Bird memorial

Bird memorial


Create a family treasure that will look beautiful and keep you loved ones ashes near by.

Ashes will be tastefully embedded into a palm sized glass bird. Due to its small size, this is the perfect gift for kids or those who need to keep their loved one near by. It’s tactile while also beautiful. Perfect to hold in your hand. The ashes themselves are sandwiched as a silver coloured bubble in the centre of your bird with the option of adding a white throat tuft to create the signature Tui look.

Each piece is made by hand so slight variation in the design and colour will occur. Bird size is roughly 5 cm wide, 10 cm long and, 6.5 cm high. The bottom is ground and polished so that it sits flat. You can choose to add a name, date or personal message to be engraved on the bottom. This is limited to 20 characters due to size restrictions.

After you purchase this, you will be sent a small container in which you will put 1 tsp of ashes and send it back. Your paperweight will then be made and shipped back to you. Turn around is roughly 10 days.

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